
A Non-Extensive List Of Crypto-Definitions

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  • Airdrops, coin-drops, Initial Coin Offerings, or cryptocurrency giveaways are all terms used in the cryptocurrency world to describe a one-time event conducted by a crypto project to promote their digital asset.

  • By giving out their crypto-tokens or coins to early adopters for free, crypto projects gain more organic exposure.

[For An Example of an Airdrop: CLICK HERE!]

B: [1 Listed]


[Noun] block·​chain | \ ˈbläk-ˌchān \

  • a digital database containing information (such as records of financial transactions) that can be simultaneously used & shared within a large decentralized, publicly accessible network.

also : the technology used to create such a database

C: [2 Listed]


[Noun] cryp·​to·​cur·​ren·​cy | \ ˌkrip-tō-ˈkər-ən(t)-sē , -ˈkə-rən(t)-sē \ (plural cryptocurrencies)

  • any form of currency that only exists digitally, that usually has no central issuing or regulating authority but instead uses a decentralized system to record transactions and manage the issuance of new units, and that relies on cryptography to prevent counterfeiting and fraudulent transactions.


[Noun] cryp·​tog·​ra·​phy | \ krip-ˈtä-grə-fē \

  • secret writing.

  • the enciphering and deciphering of messages in secret code or cipher.

also : the computerized encoding and decoding of information.

D: [3 Listed]


["dApp"] is the abbreviation for "decentralized application."

  • A decentralized network-based application with a frontend user interface that combines a smart contract and a user interface.

  • Because Ethereum smart contracts, like open APIs, are open and transparent, your dapp can include a smart contract written by someone else.


[Noun] de·​cen·​tral·​i·​za·​tion | \ (ˌ)dē-ˌsen-trə-lə-ˈzā-shən \

  • the dispersion or distribution of functions and powers a decentralization of powers. specifically, government : the delegation of power from a central authority to regional and local authorities


[Noun] de·​fi | \ (ˈ)dā¦fē \

  • Decentralized Finance, or "DeFi", is a term that refers to peer-to-peer financial services on public blockchains, particularly Ethereum.

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  • ERC Is Short For "Ethereum Request for Comment" [ERC]


(ERC-20) is a standard mechanism for issuing tokens on the Ethereum platform.

    • As indicated in the name, it has 20 unique ID numbers that identify it from others.

    • It also offers a set of guidelines that token producers must follow in order for new tokens to be used and issued on the Ethereum platform.

(ERC-721) Is a standard for NFT, which means that this type of Token is unique and might have a different value than another Token from the same Smart Contract, for example, due to its age, rarity, or even its appearance.

    • Because all NFTs have an uint256 variable named tokenId, the pair contract address, uint256 tokenId, must be globally unique for any ERC-721 Contract.

    • A "converter" in a dApp can take the tokenId as input and produce something visible.

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[noun] \ ˈfō-(ˌ)mō \

["FOMO"] Is The Abbreviation for : "fear of missing out"

  • fear of not being included in something (such as an interesting or enjoyable activity) that others are experiencing.


[adjective] fŭn′jə-bəl

      • Returnable or negotiable in kind or by substitution, as a quantity of grain for an equal amount of the same kind of grain.

      • Interchangeable.

      • Able to be substituted for something of equal value or utility; interchangeable, exchangeable, replaceable.

G: [3 Listed]


  • Gas A unit of measurement representing the computational effort of completing transactions, smart contracts, or launching DApps in the Ethereum network on the Ethereum platform.

  • It is the Ethereum network's "fuel".

(see: Gas Limit & Gas Price)


  • The maximum quantity of gas a user is willing to pay on a transaction on the Ethereum platform is referred to as a gas limit.


  • The price you are willing to pay for a transaction on the Ethereum platform is referred to as a transaction fee.

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[Acronym] For "InterPlanetary File System" [IPFS]

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[Noun] Joy | \'joi'\

  1. The moniker For "Jeoi Reqi", Physical & Digital Artist, Musician, Programmer & The Creator Of Jeoi.Market.

  2. The Name Of A public platform for exclusive unlockable NFT content [Jeoi.Market] On The Polygon Network.

  3. a Cryptographic Cipher Know To Those That Rot.

  4. $JEOI Is Also The Name Of The Cryptocurrency Social Token Created By Jeoi Reqi. View The Token Here: $JEOI (Depreciated Feature)

JEOI Market:

JEOI.MARKET (Pronounced: 'Joy' Market) is a public platform for exclusive unlockable NFT content.

  • No-Code Store builder for your exclusive video, audio, ticket & link NFTs.

  • Take NFTs to a new level by Token-gating any content.

  • On The Polygon Network To Bring You The Best Experience, While Only Paying About $0.02 Worth Of $MATIC.

  • Mint Your NFT With Nominal Transaction Fees!

  • Your NFTs will automatically be listed on MintGate and OpenSea all in one step!

  • Monetize on the first sale and every future sale forever! // Your store with a own domain. // Custom branding and layout.

  • Brought to you by: MintGate & JeoiReqi.


[Noun] Joy | \'joi'+'rĕk-hee'\

  • Jeoi Reqi Is An Artist With A Background In Cryptography, Building Online ARGs (Alternative Reality Games) & Software Development.

  • Jeoi Reqi Is The Creator Of The Jeoi Market, NFT Generator & PFP Avatarinator.

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Liquidity Pools:

  • A liquidity pool is a collection of tokens that are tied together via a smart contract.

  • The fundamental goal of these pools is to help exchanges supply liquidity and make trading easier.

  • They accomplish this by allowing users of the exchange to buy and sell.

  • Automated Market Markers (AMM) employ liquidity pools to reduce extreme price movements (volatility) on crypto exchanges.

  • Liquidity pools are suitable for new coins or tokens with a small user base because of this feature.

M: [2 Listed]


[Noun] (Plural in form but singular or plural in construction) meta·​da·​ta | \ ˌme-tə-ˈdā-tə , -ˈda- also -ˈdä- \

  • data that provides information about other data


    • A Platform To Create an NFT Store to sell your creations with zero gas costs, set royalties or even launch a custom contract.

    • Your NFTs will automatically be listed on MintGate and Rarible all in one step!

    • Monetize on the first sale and every future sale forever! // Your store with a own domain. // Custom branding and layout.

[Example Platform Running Off MintGate Smart-Contract & Rarible Protocol: Jeoi.Market]

N: [2 Listed]


[adjective] Non-fŭn′jə-bəl

      • Not Returnable or negotiable in kind or by substitution, as a quantity of grain for an equal amount of rare gems.

      • Not Interchangeable.

      • Unable to be substituted for something of equal value or utility; Not interchangeable, Not exchangeable, Not replaceable.


NFT Is The Abbreviation for "non-fungible token". [N.F.T.]

  • it is a digital Asset Put on the blockchain As proof of ownership.

  • Every NFT is completely unique because it has its own unique Hash & metadata.

  • The Hash can never be Altered Or Duplicated Once It Is On The Blockchain.

[Example NFT: CLICK HERE!]

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Smart Contracts:

  • A smart contract is a digital contract made up of lines of code that, when certain conditions are satisfied, execute certain commands automatically.

  • The smart contract's code is stored on the blockchain and allows anonymous participants to make agreements and transactions without the need for a trusted third party.


  • Social tokens are fungible cryptographic tokens.

  • This means they may be traded for other cryptocurrencies or digital assets, such as $JEOI, $BTC, and $ETH. 

  • A single Bitcoin, for example, can be divided into fractional shares and traded with one another.

  • When social tokens are divided and exchanged for one another, their worth remains unchanged. Eg; [1 $JEOI = 1 $JEOI]

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  • A "Crypto-Wallet" Is Where Your private keys are stored.

  • These Private Keys keeps your crypto safe and accessible.

  • You can also send, receive, and spend cryptocurrencies like $BTC (Bitcoin), $JEOI (JEOI Token) & $ETH (Ethereum Token) through them.

  • They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from hardware wallets like the Ledger (which looks like a USB stick) to mobile apps like Coinbase Wallet, which makes using cryptocurrency as simple as purchasing online with a credit card.

Note: Not All Wallets Are Treated Equal. There Are Communal Wallets (Owned By Platform/dAPP) & Personal Wallets (Your Wallet/Your Crypto!)

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